Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Helping Hand

Hey - This blog is for Collin, Kevin, Janet and Melissa. As y'all know, Melissa has had severe back trouble all year. Unfortunately it's not getting any better. She may even be put on bed rest before the year ends. Right now, she's trying her best to make it here, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for her. So - here's what I'd like to find out... Where is everyone in terms of the curriculum? Perhaps if Melissa has to be out more frequently, we could find a way to divide her classes so at least they're receiving some sort of instruction. I know that honors classes and her first block will be an issue, but I think we could do some creative division to solve this problem. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know how much can be done for me to cover her. I don't teach during 1st and I have Geometry during 3rd and 4th. I think curriculum-wsie we are close to the same page, just not during the same blocks. Maybe including one of the other non-Academy teachers would work. I think someone else is teaching Algebra, probably for repeaters though.