Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Kudos to Matt for organizing these blogs for those of us who are technologically challenged. I really think once we get the hang of this that it will be well worth the effort! I love the pics that were added by Poseidon!

A few reminders:
These blogs are not private, so when you are blogging about your meetings, DO NOT use student names!

Also - now that we're up and running, remember that the first 5 minutes on the agenda for every meeting is to review the blogs from the other teams.

I think that this, like everything else will evolve as we go. Please keep an open mind as we venture into this territory. When we really get this going, I truly believe that it will be part of the solution to our inter-team communication woes we had last year.

Lastly - I am going to ask to meet with team leaders briefly after school one day next week. Please let me know what day is good for the three of you. If you have any concerns as a team you wish for us to discuss, please pass that along to your team leader.


Eric said...

I echo your thanks for Matt's hard work. -- Uncle Jesse

musumechem said...

You are all welcome, I'd still like to get all of our team blogs unblocked so we can use these tools on campus.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Matt. I'll be emailing you as I try to get my blogging going for Apollo.

Rebecca said...

I think the site looks great! Very put together! Good Job Matt.

And good job keeping it updated Team Apollo! I'm impressed!1